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Transaction & Subscription Fields


Salesforce Object fieldRaiseNow Manager fieldRaiseNow Hub fieldNote
Salutationstored_customer_salutationsalutationValid values set by touchpoint: mx, mr, ms, mrs, other, family
MailingMailingStatestored_customer_stateregion_level_1This field may be passed by a touchpoint. But customers must implement business logic to ensure that valid integration values for the respective state and country combinations are set according to their configuration in the country picklist. Entries in the country picklist in Salesforce must be visible.
RaiseNow touchpoints implement state fields according to ISO-3166-2
LeadSourcestored_customer_lead_sourcelead_sourceEnsure to set valid picklist values only.
Birthdatestored_customer_birthdatebirthdateUse standard field in Tamaro or ensure that you set the date format as 'Y-m-d', e.g. 2020-12-31.


Salesforce Object fieldRaiseNow Manager fieldRaiseNow Hub fieldNote
Name--firstname, lastname and 4 last digits from token
RaiseNow__Contact__c--lookup on Contact


Salesforce Object fieldRaiseNow Manager fieldRaiseNow Hub fieldNote
NameTransactionIDPayment UUIDWill be overwritten by NPSP naming configuration.
StageName--Possible values: Closed Won, Close Lost, Pledged
Amount--amount in subunit / 100 The subunit for USD is e.g. cents, for CHF it is Rappen.
CloseDate--Current date UTC.
ContactId--Lookup to Salesforce ContactId.
npsp__Notification_Message__cstored_customer_message messagemessageCurrent date UTC.
RaiseNow__Transaction_Link__c--Link to transaction in RaiseNow viewer.
CampaignIdstored_campaign_idcampaign_idMust be the ID of a campaign in Salesforce.


Salesforce Object fieldRaiseNow Manager fieldRaiseNow Hub fieldNote
npe01__Opportunity__c--Lookup on opportunity
npe01__Check_Reference_Number__c-Metadata of the payment in RaiseNow Hub:
type: adapter
group: reconciliation
name: reference_number
In case of pledges with reference numbers, the payment will only be created once the corresponding payment has been done.
npe01__Payment_Amount__c--amount in subunit / 100
npe01__Payment_Method__c--Converted according to selected payment method
npe01__CreatedDatecreatedcreatedTransaction creation date (UTC)
npe01__Paid__c--Always set to true if the payment was confirmed by the PSP
npe01__Written_Off__c--Always set to false
CurrencyIsoCodecurrencycurrencySet according to transaction currency.


Salesforce Object fieldRaiseNow Manager fieldRaiseNow Hub fieldNote
NameSubscription TokenSubscription UUIDOverwritten by NPSP Configuration
npe03__Amount__c--amount in subunit / 100
npe03__Contact__c--Lookup on contact
npe03__Installment_Period__cintervalintervalPossible values: Monthly, Quarterly,Semestral, Yearly
npsp__Day_of_Month__c--Will be set automatically based on the evaluation of the RaiseNow cron expression
npsp__InstallmentFrequency__c--Will be set automatically based on the evaluation of the RaiseNow cron expression
CreatedDatecreatedcreatedCreated date of the subscription in RaiseNow (UTC).
npe03__Next_Payment_Date__c--Will be set automatically based on the evaluation of the RaiseNow cron expression.
npe03__Recurring_Donation_Campaign__cstored_campaign_idcampaign_idMust be the ID of a campaign in Salesforce.


Salesforce Object fieldRaiseNow Manager fieldRaiseNow Hub fieldNote
Name--Payment Method + Date
RaiseNow__Opportunity__c--Lookup on opportunity
RaiseNow__NPSP_Payment__c--Lookup on NPSP payment
RaiseNow__Business_Process_Reference__c--Lookup on RaiseNow business process reference
RaiseNow__Bank_Account__c--Lookup on RaiseNow bank account
RaiseNow__Direct_Debit_Mandate__c--Lookup on RaiseNow direct debit mandate
RaiseNow__Fundraiser__c--Lookup field on the contact object to link fundraisers to a transaction to F2F donations.
RaiseNow__Fundraising_Location_Identifier__c--String to associate a transaction with a fundraising location in the context of p2p
RaiseNow__Fundraising_Team__c--String to associate the transaction with a fundraising team (F2F, P2P)

Koalect fields

Salesforce Object fieldRaiseNow Manager fieldRaiseNow Hub fieldNote


"koa_project_id": "03404ec3-e65d-4467-93e6-35e16e262d7f",
"koa_project_name": "Every meter one eur",
"koa_project_campaign_id": "0dc0e1af-aff2-4ab8-b513-52d41d551ec0",
"koa_project_owner_id": "ffff7c20-24d4-4f3b-87d6-3c74438ebe63",
"koa_goal_amount_subunit": 545400

Peer-to-Peer Fields

Salesforce Object.fieldP2PNote
Campaign.IsActive-Always set to true
Campaign.ParentId-This will be automatically set according to the configured campaign_id on the campaign (aka purpose) in the P2P platform

List of Payment Methods

RaiseNow will update payment methods in NPSP with the following values on both the NSPS Payment object and the NPSP Recurring Donation object:

  • American Express
  • Bank Transfer
  • Credit Card
  • Cymba
  • Diners Club
  • Direct Debit
  • RaiseNow DirectDebit
  • Discovery
  • Electronic Payment Service
  • Elektronisches Lastschriftverfahren
  • Japanese Credit Bureau
  • Korea Cyber Payment
  • Maestro
  • MasterCard
  • MasterPass
  • PayPal Express Checkout
  • PayPal Mass Pay
  • PayPal REST API
  • PayU
  • PostFinance Card
  • PostFinance E-Finance
  • RaiseNow Terminal (Mobile Point of Sales)
  • SEPA Direct Debit
  • Direct Debit CH-DD
  • Direct Debit CH-TA
  • SMS Austria
  • SMS Switzerland
  • Sofort
  • Stripe
  • Swiss Payment Slip
  • Swiss Payment Slip with Reference Number
  • VISA
  • Webbanking India